Our Denver Employment Lawyers Help with Various Contract Issues
An employment contract should clearly state the rights and responsibilities of both employer and employee. It should take into account contingencies that may never occur, and it should detail every nuance of the working relationship between the two parties. Remember that in an employment contract, every sentence matters. Following are some examples of scenarios that could arise from a poorly drafted employment contract:
- A loophole that allows an ex-employee to bankrupt your business by using its proprietary information to benefit a competitor
- A crucial ambiguity, read different ways by employer and employee, that leads to costly litigation and a mountain of bad publicity for your business
- A section of the agreement, such as a non-compete clause, that violates Colorado employment law, causing a court to strike it down
Our Denver employment contract attorneys can review your employment contract to see if any issues exist that need resolution.
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Benefits of Having a Comprehensive Employment Contract
A well-drafted comprehensive employment contract offers you the following critical advantages:
It sets clear standards for employee performance. These standards pay off when it comes time to terminate an employee because it is difficult for an employee to maintain a claim of wrongful termination against your company.
- A well-defined employment contract can reduce your company’s risk of employment-related litigation by making it easier for the employer to successfully defend itself and do so quickly. A motion to dismiss, if the court grants it, is much better for the company than years of expensive and time-consuming litigation (even if you win).
- A good employment contract will comply with all applicable employment laws. This can help avoid expensive, time-consuming, and distracting federal and state investigations into your company’s employment practices.
All of the foregoing benefits of a well-drafted employment contract can help enhance your company’s reputation with both potential business clients and with potential employees who might otherwise seek employment with your competitors.
Why Your Business Needs a Skilled Denver Employment Lawyer?
Employment contracts, like many other contracts, seem to be written in a strange language known as “legalese.” Generally speaking, lawyers draft contracts in legal jargon not to confuse you, but because these terms are just as necessary as engineering terms are to building specifications. The problem is that you might not understand them, or their implications, without legal advice.
Certain legal terms such as “consideration” sound normal, yet they can carry special meanings. In other cases, it is what is missing that is important. The lack of a merger clause, for example, could add additional, invisible terms to your agreement with your employee. Moreover, the inclusion of provisions that could lead to employment discrimination may inadvertently be buried in the contract's language, creating potential legal pitfalls. Finally, ambiguous terms can function as an invitation to litigation when the parties attach different meanings to them. Hiring a lawyer for employment contract review or negotiation could save you a lot of trouble later.
We Can Assist with Various Types of Employment Agreements
Employment agreements come in many different forms. Sometimes a single agreement incorporates all necessary features, while in other cases, a company might rely on several stand-alone agreements, such as:
- Independent contractor agreements
- Executive agreements
- Change-in-control agreements
- Non-compete agreements
- Non-disclosure agreements
- Confidentiality agreements
- Severance agreements
- Termination agreements